„Knowing is not enough; we must apply. Willing is not enough; we must do.”

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, German writer and scientist


Chapter 9: Instructions


PrimerIntroduction to chapter 9(00:00)
VideoUnit 0Agenda(01:10)
VideoUnit 1Context and relevance(03:18)
VideoUnit 2Deductive reasoning and research problem(09:29)
BookSubchapter 9.2Read and take notespp. 185-191
VideoUnit 3Research problem, outline and course of investigation(08:02)
BookSubchapter 9.3Read and take notespp. 191-196
BookSubchapter the problem: ‘Aligning topic, aim and research question’pp. 213-215
VideoUnit 4Conclusion, summary, critical acclaim and outlook(04:47)
BookSubchapter 9.4Read and take notespp. 196-200
BookSubchapter 9.5Read and take notespp. 200-208
BookSubchapter the problem: ‘Aligning aim and structure of outline’p. 215
BookSubchapter 9.6Read and take notespp. 209-212
VideoUnit 5Summary(01:14)
BookSubchapter 9.7.2Test your knowledge: question 1 to 15pp. 212-213


Research problem, research question, outline, course of investigation, research method, conclusion, summary, critical acclaim, outlook