„Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.”

Leonardo da Vinci, Italian polymath


Chapter 12: Instructions


PrimerIntroduction to chapter 12(00:00)
VideoUnit 0Agenda(01:30)
VideoUnit 1Context and relevance(02:23)
VideoUnit 2Definitions(03:22)
BookSubchapter 12.2Read and take notespp. 265-268
VideoUnit 3Paragraph structure(11:56)
BookSubchapter 12.3Read and take notespp. 268-277
VideoUnit 4Flow of paragraphs(05:13)
BookSubchapter 12.4Read and take notespp. 278-281
VideoUnit 5Reasoning and referencing(05:01)
BookSubchapter 12.5Read and take notespp. 281-285
VideoUnit 6Summary(01:50)
BookSubchapter 12.6.2Test your knowledge: question 1 to 20p. 286
BookSubchapter 12.6.3Solve the final problemp. 287


Argumentation, reasoning, definitions, paragraph structure, topic sentence, supporting sentences, concluding sentence, cohesion, indenting, referencing