„Perseverance, secret of all triumphs.”

Victor Hugo, French writer


Chapter 8: Instructions


PrimerIntroduction to chapter 8(00:00)
VideoUnit 0Agenda(01:14)
VideoUnit 1Context and relevance(02:49)
VideoUnit 2Interpretation technique(07:05)
BookSubchapter 8.2Read and take notespp. 161-166
VideoUnit 3Potential aims and application(10:19)
BookSubchapter 8.3Read and take notespp. 166-174
VideoUnit 4Problem based interpretation(19:17)
BookSubchapter 8.4Read and take notespp. 174-179
VideoUnit 5Summary(01:18)
BookSubchapter 8.5.2Test your knowledge: question 1 to 18p. 180
BookSubchapter 8.5.3Solve the problem ‘Interpretation of a topic within an academic context’p. 181


Interpretation, positive interpretation, negative interpretation, abstract interpretation, problem-based interpretation, aim, description, causal connection, intention, function, comparison, research question